Israel Pavilion Inauguration - AERO INDIA 2013

Israel Pavilion Inauguration - AERO INDIA 2013


  • Ambassador of Israel, Mr. Alon Ushpiz, Director General of Israel's Ministry of Defence, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Udi Shani, and the Director of SIBAT, the Defense Export & Cooperation Division of the Israeli Ministry of Defense (Photo: Ariel Hermoni, Israel MOD)
    Speech by Ambassador of Israel, Mr. Alon Ushpiz at the Inauguration of Israeli Pavilion – Aero India 2013, Bangalore
    DG of MOD, Major General Ehud Shani,
    Dir. Of SIBAT, Brig Gen Shmaia Avieli,
    Senior Deputy DG of DSDE, Mr. Nir Ben Moshe,
    Israel's Defence Attaché to India, Col. Avi Peled,
    Consul General of Israel to Bangalore, Mr. Menachem Kanafi,
    Honorable representatives of the Israeli Defence Industries,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome to the Israeli pavilion at Aero India 2013.
    Look around you. The Israeli aerospace and defence industries that are on display here are no doubt – the best in the world!
    Israel's National Pavilion at Aero-India 2013 is lead and organized meticulously by SIBAT, Israel's Defence Cooperation Authority, a branch of the Ministry of Defence.
    In the field of defence, like in many other fields in which Israel excels, our secret ingredient is necessity. If we want to survive in the difficult neighborhood that surrounds us, we simply have no choice but to develop the most innovative and cutting edge defence technologies.
    And so, Israel, one of the worlds' most advanced air powers, entrusts much of its security to its indigenously grown and developed aerospace and defence systems. This is thanks to huge resources invested on research and development. But more than that, we are where we are because of the man and woman behind the machine. Our systems are developed by a uniquely talented and skilled workforce with an extensive combat experience.
    Many of the Israeli systems on display here in Bangalore have proven themselves under highly challenging combat operations. In this regard, one of the highlights of this year’s aero show, presented for the first time in India, is the 'Iron Dome' system. This is an indigenously developed, game-changing – first of its type – missile interception system. It recently performed with notable distinction, protecting over half of Israel's population from a barrage of over 1500 rockets and missiles.
    But that is not all. Don’t miss the other highlights on display here in the Israeli pavilion, including the latest radars, UAV’s, missiles, communications and intelligence equipment and highly sophisticated protection systems.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    This Pavilion is a symbol of the level of intimacy and cooperation that we have reached with India. Israel and India share a wide array of security challenges.  The cooperation in these fields has been an integral part of the growing multifaceted relationship between our two countries. Without going into details, the friendship and chemistry between Israelis and Indians, some of the most brilliant people in the fields of defense and security, creates a partnership that is a source of pride and indeed a bedrock of security, stability and tranquility for both our nations.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    This is the first time we participate in the Bangalore Aero Show, not as visitors, but as residents. The Consulate General of Israel in Bangalore that was opened earlier this year, headed by Mr. Menachem Kanafi, is a clear indication of the importance we attach to India as a whole and to Karnataka specifically. Our activities here, among others, in the fields of IT and agriculture, are rapidly growing, and I would like to thank the people and the Government of Karnataka for their very warm hospitality. 
    It is indeed a pleasure for me to invite you once again, Ladies and Gentlemen, to witness the best aero-space and defence technologies in the world, here at the Israeli Pavilion, in Bangalore 2013.
    Thank you.  

